13th October 2015

6 Proven Marketing Video Tips for Improving Conversions

Marketing Video Tips

Consumers are increasingly expecting authentic and visually-engaging brand advertisements if they are to make a purchase. Thankfully, online video is a powerful tool that can help brands fulfill these expectations and convert engaged audiences into buyers.

Although there are no exact rules on how your brand should use video to improve conversions, there are best practices to follow whether your goal is to increase sign-ups, purchases, or clicks on an email. We’ve put together six marketing video tips backed by facts that will help your brand boost interactions and ultimately, sales.

  1. Include a video on your website landing page. The average Internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video than without. (source: Forbes.com)

You’ve worked hard to generate traffic to your website, and now you can have a guaranteed way to keep your visitors on the page longer. Demonstrating your products or services in a video on your website is a great way to bring your brand to life and showcase your company’s strengths through an engaging medium. When placed in optimal locations throughout your website, video can be an exceptionally powerful way to grab your visitors’ attention and get them to connect with your brand.

  1. Using the word “Video” in an email subject line boosts open rates 19%, click-through rates by 65% and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. (source: MarketingTechBlog.com)

If you want to encourage click-throughs on your email newsletters, persuasive and attention-grabbing subject lines are hardly enough anymore. To truly boost your email newsletter conversion rates, it’s time to add video. Adding a marketing video to an email newsletter is an exceptionally effective way to increase click-through rates as well as email sharing or forwarding rates. There is no universal format that is compatible with all email clients yet, however you can try one of the following methods to deliver video in email: a static image with video link, an animated GIF, or a video in HTML5 format.

  1. Videos on product pages can help increase conversions. 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. (source: Forbes.com)

Product images are important, but they can’t tell the full story in a way that video can. Showcasing your product in use via a product video is a creative way to increase conversion rates on your product pages. Not only can video convey a great amount of information quickly, but it can also strike an emotional chord and make your customers feel a certain way about your products through captivating imagery and sound.

  1. Optimize your website for all mobile devices to increase video plays. Mobile made up over 25% of product video plays in Q2 2014. (source: ReelSEO)

A recent report from Liveclicker, which surveyed major retailers to gather video optimization tips, highly recommends optimizing your videos for all mobile devices. Mobile now makes up over a quarter of product video plays so you want to make sure your videos can be easily viewed, and are short and to the point. Liveclicker suggests keeping your product videos around 30 seconds, unless it is a higher price point item or very complex, to increase conversions.

  1. Capture leads with how-to videos. Nearly 1 in 3 millennials say they purchased a product as a direct result of watching a tutorial or how-to video about it. (source: Social Media Examiner)

A how-to video is a great way to share uses of your product without pushing a sale. The focus should simply be on instructing your viewers, teaching them something, or solving a specific problem they may have. How-to videos are popular with the millennial crowd and can capture viewers with prime buyer intent.

  1. Increase sales with video ads. Video has a click-through rate that beats normal ads by a factor of three. (source: BusinessInsider)

Online video ads are currently one of the most effective ad mediums and receive more than three times more clicks on average than other digital ad formats such as rich media ads, display ads, and mobile ads. Creating video ads with precise targeting for YouTube and Facebook can help your brand generate tremendous views and conversions back to your website or product pages.

Beyond capturing viewer attention, we have gathered a few other reasons you can read about that explain why online videos are becoming the new “it” marketing strategy and why now is the ideal time for your brand to get on board. If you are ready to see how an online video can help you boost conversions and sales, contact us today.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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