17th October 2012

Need a Job? Apply with a Video Resume

So, we want to talk about applying for a job with a video resume — which can be pretty tricky. The job market is packed with competition, especially with all those qualified college grads just searching for something to pay the bills. So how can you stand out? Well, one way is submitting a video resume.

A video resume has the potential to help you in landing that first interview, but a bad video can keep you from even getting a call back. Let’s go through some tips on how to create an unforgettable video resume to land you the job you really want.

Before jumping in front of a camera, you must consider the theme of your video, the production components, and the content, because hopefully you are not going to just read from your resume — that is the ultimate video resume fail. To begin…

First consider the space, in which you want to film. Ensure that you have a clear background that is clean and simple, so you do not distract your audience. Also, listen for loud distracting noises, for instance, filming near a window may hinder the sound quality of your video.

Next is Lighting, although this is not a professional production, it is best to treat it like one. The best angles for lighting are using the popular 3 point lighting system. This is sure to produce the luminescent look without the harsh shadows. Position the first light at a 45 degree angle from the camera, another light source above the camera (ceiling light) and a third back light, (the light shining from behind the subject or, you).

Next thing to think about is the Subject Matter, because that is what is going to sell your video. Make sure the content correlates to the field that you choose to work in. For example, if the work atmosphere is more traditional, then maybe reduce the creative aspect a bit. If your video resume is for an agency inspired by creativity, go ahead and let loose. Although whatever the direction of video content you choose, remember that the whole point of your video is to offer a potential employer greater insight into you than a traditional resume can.

Lastly, Keep it Short, similar to the rules of a written resume, sum up your best attributes within a minute or two. Although, creativity can make your video more interesting, make sure not to deviate far from the target messaging of why this company should hire you. So between clear messaging, lighting angles and a clean space, you are on the way towards making a video resume. Good Luck!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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