11th October 2013

What Style of Web Video does your Business Need?

As simple as explainer videos are, you still have the difficult decision of deciding which animated style will work best for your video’s message. Explainer videos offer a range of styles that are able to help define the core components of your overall message; but, how do you know which style will be most effective for your business? Well, that’s why we are here. To help you determine which animated explainer video style will best explain your business.

3D Motion Graphics

You have probably seen this style of web video used for technical companies. 3D motion graphics are a great way to show intricate details that you may not even be able to see in reality.  For instance, the screen can take you inside of a detailed engine or breakdown a device into visual, understandable layers. Motion animation will visually take your viewers’ eyes beyond where reality can reach.

When are  3D Motion Graphics Right for your Business?

We often recommend 3D motion graphics for technical companies, such as software or cloud-based products. Typically when businesses offer a product that either elevates another product or must integrate with something that you currently use, such as Gmail, it is hard to simply explain how it works in a short way. Watch how we used 3D motion graphics to give users a virtual tour of Precog’s analytic platform designed for developers. Remember, if you need to show how your service or product works, try 3D animation, it will give your viewers a thorough visual experience.


Whiteboard Animation

By now you have probably stumbled across a whiteboard animation style video. Typically, whiteboard animation consists of a video with a white background and a computer-animated hand that quickly draws and writes core concepts. This video style has proved to be an effective style of video for businesses that are interested in pitching new ideas or concepts. The real power behind whiteboard animation is that it simulates how we learned in class by drawing your viewer’s attention to the whiteboard.

Is Whiteboard Animation the style you are looking for?

Is your next explainer video going to pitch a new idea or concept? Does your business need to breakdown multiple facets of your organization? If so, then this maybe the ideal video style for you.  Not only will users continually be engaged by the visual changes within the video, but they will also be encouraged to embrace your new ideas or concepts. Watch how we used whiteboard animation in for PIEmatrix.

Cartoon Animation

We are certain that cartoon animation is engaging and fun to watch. Why would a business want to take a serious message and make it, well…not serious? Besides the fun aspect, cartoons are actually a great way to engage large audiences or even different demographics. Additionally, if your subject matter is on the serious side, then utilizing a little cartoon animation can lift the mood while keeping your viewers’ attention.

Is your business ready to become a cartoon?

Does your business have a unique perspective to your product or service? Typically, cartoons work best for businesses that offer a easy-to-use product or service, such as web or mobile apps. Using cartoons you are able to simulate how individuals can use the product with the added bonus of creativity! Watch how we made an inviting cartoon animation video for Localist to show their ideal target market just how easy it is to use their events calendar.

As you can see, the style of video for your business really depends on what you have to offer. Want even more information? Then read our previous post on, What Type of Explainer Video is Right for your Business? to get some ideas on the types of explainer videos used for businesses.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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